Monday, August 1, 2016

Journalism for Human rights

           We human beings often speak about our rights but we never think what exactly these rights are. Every person has his obligations and rights. We always forget about obligations and fight for rights. There is only need to understand province of human rights.

Human rights are pristine to all human beings, no matter from which religion, region or territory we belong to. There is equality instead of discrimination. Within framework of Indian constitution we all are equal and should be treated equally and with dignity. Every person has self-esteem and he never tolerate if someone insult it. Obligations and rights are two parallel terms rather two sides of a coin. Every person should practice his obligations and raise the voice for rights.

Vinita Deshmukh the well-known RTI activist says, “we look for someone other to fight for our rights. We never muster up the courage to speak about illegal, unethical and immoral things which have been happening everywhere.” We always look for a famous personality to speak on behalf of society. Nowadays social media is a big platform for citizens to raise their questions and put their demands nevertheless, they are not enough aware about rights. It’s an interesting to see the correlation between two terms journalism and human rights.

Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi

Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi famous transgender activist has been fighting for the rights of transgender community. United Nations Human Rights states that we all are equal whatever our nationality, religion, sex, language or any other status nevertheless, Lakshmi Tripathi has been struggling for rights. Here is the actual failure of theoretical definitions and practical executions. This shows how people are unaware of Human rights. She has written the autobiography which contained struggle of the Hijra community for life. She raised the voice for her community and self-esteem. To put her demands she has been using a media, which is mode of communication. Many news channels have been covered stories on Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi and Hijra Community. Journalist have written many articles, news stories on struggle of this Transgender activist. Journalism is the only way you can put your ideas, thoughts, problems, and claim before the masses.

Journalism for human rights is the new concept which has not been practiced in India so far. How will it be possible to write consistently on Human rights? There are many other issues, news stories to cover. These are the common obstacles for this unique concept. There are few personalities who always work for betterment of society and make them aware of Human rights. Retired Police officer Avinash Mokashi is one of those extraordinary people. He was the student of journalism before he joined Maharashtra Police. Activism in Human rights is his post retirement crotchet.

America’s Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would build a wall along the border to restrict the entry of immigrants. It’s an international issue but what Trump has said is against humanity. President Barak Obama also trashed Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall. Many Journalist have written on this burning issue which proved that Journalism is the unique tool to speak on violation of Human rights.
According to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we have 30 basic human rights which are created by United Nations.

1.     Don’t discriminate
2.     The right to live in freedom and safety
3.     No torture
4.     Freedom to move
5.     No unfair detainment and many more…

Related to the fifth right that is no unfair detainment, Advocate Ganesh Sovani practicing in Mumbai high court has written one article. The article was about Malegav bomb blast accused Sadhwi Pragya who has been given clean chit by the agency. He has written on unfair detainment and violation of Human rights as she was tortured mentally and psychologically. Name of the article is ‘What about the years wasted in prison?’ This is one of the examples of Journalism for human rights.

Every citizen should understand the need to speak against the violation of Human rights and every budding journalist should aware of effective impact of writing on these issues because human rights issues are more newsworthy than in the past.

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